Policy is a law, regulation, procedure, administrative action, incentive, or voluntary practice.


These policies, terms and conditions apply to all attendees of the event. We know it's not the most interesting page on this website, but it's one of the most important page we've got. This page contains the following chapters;

  1. General Provisions
  2. Terms and Conditions
  3. Rules of Conduct
  4. Liability waiver
  5. Rules for commerce
  6. Privacy policy
  7. Business transparency
  8. Conflict of interest
  9. Volunteers waiver


Reffurence is a registered Netherlands Nonprofit Organization with organization number 86974661. See more on the website of the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce. All the revenues made during the event will be entirely used in equipement or services to improve the next edition or given to charity.

This page was last updated on 05-Apr-2024.

First some words before we start explaining the rules

1. General Provisions

1.1 Membership

  • Anyone who shows an interest in one of the events organized by Reffurence, will apply for membership when registering for one of those events.
  • Every member of Reffurence agrees to abide by the Code of Conduct as a condition of participating in the event(s) as an attendee or volunteer and receiving a badge.
  • This code of conduct applies to members of Reffurence at all event premises or outside of those premises, regardless of whether the event has officially begun or ended.
  • Events and private locations are for the exclusive enjoyment of our members.
  • Reffurence classifies as a private event and thus we reserve the right to refuse, cancel, or revoke memberships and/or registrations with or without a reason. This is deemed valid before, during and after events organized by Reffurence.

1.2 Enforcement and/or Revocation

  • Failure to abide by this code of conduct may result in any of the following:
  • A written (or digital) warning.
  • Revocation of membership and confiscation of the eventbadge.
  • Referral to venue stewards.
  • Referral to law enforcement agencies.

1.3 Revocation authority

  • Any member who has violated the code of conduct, evinced and decreed by the chairman of Reffurence (or the mandated boardmember) may have their membership revoked, and ejected from the event.
  • Individuals refused or ejected from the premises of any venue by the staff of the venue will automatically have their Reffurence membership revoked.
  • Any individual whose membership has been revoked is automatically prohibited from registering for any subsequent events organized by Reffurence. Until such time as their attendance is approved by the board of Reffurence.
  • Revocation of membership may only be appealed in writing to the board in advance of the events at: board@reffurence.com
What are your rights, when purchasing a ticket?

2. Terms and Conditions

2.1 Rules of Admittance

  • Attendees must be at least 18 years old for the entire time they attend the event.
  • Attendees are required to present their legal photo ID or passport at check-in time. Your ID details must match the information in our electronic records.
  • The event badge remains property of the event until one week after end of the event. Reffurence has the right to revoke or confiscate the badge in case you break the event rules.
  • Attendees who are not in possession of their original badge anymore and thus require a replacement badge, will have to pay a fee of 15 EUR.
  • Dayticket validity starts at 10:00 local time until one hour after the last scheduled event of that day. A dayticket does not grant access to the hotel, but it only grant access to the events and the eventrooms.
  • Daytickets are not transferable to other persons without contacting our registration team first. (registration@reffurence.com)
  • Reffurence classifies as a private event and thus we reserve the right to refuse, cancel, or revoke registrations with or without a reason.

2.2 Registration and Payment

  • In order to take part in the event, you are required to register through our online registration system. Registrations or ticket purchases through any other means are blocked and considered to be voided.
  • Registrations are subject to screening by registration staff. You will receive an e-mail with all necessary information as soon as your registration has been confirmed.
  • The total fee (depending on your room and type of ticket) is due within 21 calendar days after your registration has been approved. Daytickets and sponsor packages have to be paid immediately trough our online registration system. If we do not receive the payment or proof of a payment within the above mentioned timeframe, your registration (including hotel booking) will be cancelled.
  • If you're making use of installments, the first installment is due within 21 calendar days after your registration has been approved. The second half or the total fee (depending on your room and type of ticket) is due within 35 calendar days after your first payment has been processed. If we do not receive the payment or proof of a payment within the above mentioned timeframe, your registration (including hotel booking) will be cancelled.
  • In case of an overpayment, please contact registration@reffurence.com with your bank-details. All overpayments will be refunded or settled with an outstanding order.
  • Your reservation will be valid and can be seen as a booking, when you received the mail with your badge number and room confirmation.
  • While we always try to accommodate the wishes of attendees, the event reserves the right to move attendees from one hotel room to another at any time for any reason, in exceptional circumstances.
  • In case of an maximum capacity imposed by the hotel, authorities or otherwise making it impossible to accommodate all registered attendees on site, the event reserves the right to transfer (to another location) or cancel registrations. In the case of a cancellation, the event will refund the full amount.
  • An email will be sent to you with a confirmation when everything has been paid in full. You can always access the account page and print out your confirmation.

2.3 Ticket Transfer or Cancellation by applicant

  • It is not allowed to resell tickets by ticket selling websites. The transfer of tickets is solely done by contacting registration@reffurence.com and notifying them about the upcoming changes that you and the receiving party agreed to swap tickets. Payment of those swapped tickets has to be done between the parties, Reffurence will not ask a(n extra) payment for the services of changing a reservation.
  • Tickets, products and packages are not refundable.
  • However, tickets (including all extras and bookings attached to them) can be transferred. Both parties must send an e-mail to registration@reffurence.com using the e-mail they signed up with, along with their user id's, (which can be found on their account page) to confirm the transfer. The registration team will then transfer the registration.
  • In case of a transfer as an invited person to a room that is hosted by another user, the host and the transferring parties have to agree.
  • In case of a transfer as an host that is the sole occupant of that room, only the transferring parties have to agree. Otherwise, if the room also includes invited parties, one of them can be the new roomhost. It is not possible to transfer the room to an external host. The new roomhost has the possibility to invite a new room guest.
  • In case the event is cancelled due to insufficient attendance, all payments to Reffurence (ticket, hotel) will be refunded, with the exception of processing and administrative fees. Reffurence will then contact each individual attendee that has purchased the sponsorpackage items or merchandise, prior to the event, if those items should be send by postal services or refunded. Any other expenses, such as travel costs or other expenses not with Reffurence, will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  • In case the event is cancelled due to exceptional circumstances, (Global pandemic, revocation of the hotel contract, natural disasters or force majeure.) all payments to Reffurence (ticket, hotel) will be refunded, with the exception of processing and administrative fees, unless Reffurence is transferred to another venue or timeperiod, then Reffurence is allowed to transfer the reservations. Reffurence will then contact each individual attendee that has purchased the sponsorpackage items or merchandise, prior to the event, if those items should be send by postal services or refunded. Any other expenses, such as travel costs or other expenses not with Reffurence, will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  • If you are unable to attend the event due to travel restrictions, or personal circumstances, Reffurence might not be able to refund your payments.
  • Ticket transfers must be cleared by the registration team, prior to the event in all cases. Any individual showing up at the event who is not in our database will not be admitted in someone else’s name.

2.4 Sponsor packages and products

  • Sponsorship is a simple way to support the convention through a voluntary extra donation. In return, sponsors will (unless opt-out) be mentioned by name in the conbook, get a differently styled name badge, and receive a complimentary gift package.
  • The sponsor gift package, the products and other items sold by Reffurence can only be retrieved during the event. When not attending, it is possible to send by postal services, but might incur extra fees.
What are the ground rules in place?

3. Rules of Conduct

Reffurence is portrait as a professional event of social, respectful and open-minded members of the furry community and those who are interested in our event. To limit the number of misunderstandings about what kind of behaviour is generally acceptable and required during our event, you are expected to follow these rules.

Also keep in mind that these rules are applicable during the entire period in time of the event, including early arrival and late departure and moments outside of the venue, but still during the event period. These rules and conditions apply to all attendees, dealers, volunteers, staff-members and/or guests.

3.1 Registration and Badges

  • Attendees must be at least 18 years old at the first day of attending the event.
  • Attendees are required to present their legal photo ID or passport at check-in time. Your ID details must match the information in our electronic records.
  • Reffurence classifies as a private event and thus we reserve the right to refuse, cancel, or revoke registrations with or without a reason.
  • You are required to wear your event badge visibly at all times, also during fursuiting, so that you can be identified as an attendee of the event.
  • Attending without a valid event badge or impersonating another attendee by using their event badge is not permitted.
  • You may not impersonate official event roles, communications, or announcements.
  • Changing or covering up identifying information on your badge is not allowed. Including digital information like, NFC-tags, magnetic strips, barcodes, etc.
  • Staying overnight in event hotels without a valid hotel booking is not allowed. So-called 'ghosting'. This will result in a permanent refusal from the event.
  • It is not permitted to facilitate for someone else to stay overnight without a valid hotel booking or to attend without a valid badge.
  • If you have lost your room key, please contact the hotel front desk and our security team immediately. Reffurence does not accept any liability resulting from lost room keys.
  • If you are not compliant with any of these rules, could result in you (and/or others) being removed from the event for the rest of the session.

3.2 General behavior and decency

We have a clear policy of “YES means YES”: do not pursue other people sexually or otherwise unless you have Unambiguous Consent (i.e. you're in a relationship together) from them. This also includes the clear policy of “NO means NO”. If someone asks you to stop, then stop and do what is asked from you. If you are asked to leave them alone, then leave.

  • Appropriate behavior is expected at all times. This includes the expected behavior to treat others respectfully.
  • If you are feeling unsafe or need assistance. Please contact the hotel front desk or the Reffurence safety team immediately. The emergency phone number is printed on the badge.
  • It should go without saying that some people reserve any kind of physical contact to their close friends and family only. If you are not sure somebody wants to be hugged, tackled, pounced, or otherwise assaulted, please ask the person first.
  • You are liable for any damage you may cause to the property of another attendee or to property of the hotels or event spaces.
  • Personal audio systems (e.g., Bluetooth speakers) must be kept at a courteous volume at all times. If anyone complains about noise levels from your device, you must either lower the volume, switch it off, or move to a place where no one is bothered.
  • If you are not compliant with any of these rules, could result in you (and/or others) being removed from the event for the rest of the session. Severe occurrences could even force Reffurence to get the authorities involved, and always result in you being removed from the event and banned from future events.

3.3 Hate speech, discrimination and racism

  • Any speech that expresses, encourages, or supports discrimination, violence, or harassment based on race, sexual orientation, gender, age, religion, nationality, or disability is strictly forbidden.
  • Symbols of movements or organisations that support or encourage hateful behaviour are not allowed to be worn at the event in any form.

3.4 Fursuiting

There is nothing more important than your health. If there is a medical emergency or risk thereof, please remove your fursuit as soon as possible, no matter when or where you are, please contact the hotel front desk or the Reffurence safety team immediately. The emergency phone number is printed on the badge.

  • It is preferred that all the fursuiters keep their fursuit head and costume on in public area's of the venue. Specific area's (i.e. the fursuit lounge) are excempt from this request.
  • If you need to take off your head and parts temporarily to adjust your fursuit or with any other reason, please do so in a headless area, or find a secluded location to do so. This to prevent that pictures and video's being taken from your 'normal' face instead of your fursuit head.
  • For non-fursuit attendees and fursuit attendees, you are expected to treat fursuiters carefully, in order not to damage the costume or the person inside of it.

3.5 Clothing and decency

Use common sense in public areas. Any item of clothing, apparel, or similar items which are likely to bring the event and/or fandom into disrepute must not be worn in public. If you have to ask or think twice about doing something in public, take it to your room.

  • It is expected that all the attendees are expected to not cause any offense amongst other attendees and people present that could be sharing the public (event) spaces. During office hours a dress code applies, whilst outside of the office hours (after dark, 21:00hr / 09:00PM) we are more likely to be more permissive.
  • When in public areas of the hotels and event areas, attendees may not wear clothing or accessories which are overly revealing, inappropriate to the atmosphere of the event, the event and hotel image, or likely to draw reasonable complaints or offense.
  • Wearing costumes, accessories, or displaying items made out of real fur or parts of humans, animals or other living or deceased creatures is not allowed.
  • (Foreign or national) Police(-like), military or public services (Red-Cross, First-Aiders, Paramedics, Firefighters, etc.) style uniforms or gear are not permitted in public spaces.
  • The display of any kind of offensive symbols is prohibited.
  • Walking barefoot is not allowed in hotels and event spaces.
  • Nudity (including string underwear, a thong, or similar) is not allowed in public.
  • Anatomically correct costumes, furry or otherwise, must be decently clothed as stated in this paragraph.
  • Sexual behavior that goes beyond a mere display of affection is not allowed in public.
  • Display of adult-themed materials is not permitted in public areas of the hotel. This includes (but is not limited to): room signs, flyers, business cards, posters, and drawings on public message boards.
  • Exposure of fetish gear – that is, outfits of a sexual nature – is not permitted in public, even if it is part of a costume. This can include, for example, bondage gear, pup hoods, harnesses, or muzzles; or materials such as rubber, latex, spandex, or lycra. Non-sexual accessories, for example dog harnesses on fursuits, are allowed.
  • Leashes are not permitted on persons (including fursuiters) for safety reasons.
  • Body paint is not allowed to be used.
  • Event staff reserves the right to determine whether any clothing and/or accessories contravene these rules.

3.6 Alcohol and drugs

  • You are expected to drink responsibly. You will be held liable for what you say and do, even if intoxicated. Reffurence and the venue always has the right to stop serving you alcoholic beverages.
  • Persons who are intoxicated to the point of impairment may be escorted to their rooms. If this happens on more than one occasion, other sanctions may be imposed.
  • It is not permitted to consume alcohol purchased outside of the hotel anywhere on premises, except in private hotel rooms.
  • Smoking and vaping (e.g., electronic cigarettes) are not permitted anywhere within the hotel building, including the hotel rooms and balconies. A considerable cleaning fee will be charged for smoking or vaping.
  • The possession, consumption, or sale of illegal substances (including, but not limited to: THC, LSD, MDMA, amphetamines, khat, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, etc.) will not be tolerated. The same applies to the abuse of any other substances (such as nitrous oxide, alkyl nitrites, glue, etc.) as a drug.
  • Violations and incidents that include the attendee in a state of being so overly intoxicated that medical assistance is required, or the use or possession of a controlled (and thus illegal) substance (e.g. weed, hard-drugs and medicines that are not prescribed to you), will result in a notice to get the authorities involved, and always result in you being removed from the event and banned from future events.

3.7 Hotel (room) rules, event rooms and privacy

  • The consumption of food or drinks purchased from outside of the event hotels is not permitted, except in private hotel rooms.
  • For the safety and enjoyment of all hotel guests, reckless or disruptive behaviour is not permitted.
  • Attendees may not enter the service areas of the hotels or restricted event areas. This includes all backstage areas, service elevators, the rooftops, emergency exits, and all areas marked as “Staff Only”.
  • Tampering with any fire-protection devices – including abusive triggering of fire doors or alarms – is prohibited and will have serious consequences. This includes disabling any smoke and/or heat detectors.
  • Physical advertising (posters, flyers, business cards, etc.) not from Reffurence must be confined to designated, clearly marked locations and may only be placed there with the written permission, given by the staff. Door signs are allowed but must be taken down before checking out, it is not allowed to stick door signs on the hotel doors with a substance that will cause the door to be damaged when removing the signs.
  • Do not deliberately crack open glow sticks or similar items, i.e., anything containing dyeing, sticky, or corrosive materials.
  • You are expected to treat hotel rooms and hotel property reasonably and with care. You will be held personally liable for any damage you cause.
  • If you have your “do not disturb” sign on your door, housekeeping might not clean and service your room. The hotel staff will check your room after the event has ended.
  • You are required to ask your roommates for permission before running a room party or inviting guests, however, there is a maximum to the total amount of people that are allowed in one room. The maximum is set to the total number of beds summed up together with the total amount of seats in the room.
  • You may not disturb people in any other hotel rooms. Please keep the noise down during the quiet hours and adhere to the hotel rules.
  • Reffurence reserves the right to use camera monitoring of event spaces (including fursuit and headless lounges) and areas rented by the event to maintain safety and prevent theft, property damage, or illegal conduct.

3.8 Weapons and dangerous items

  • Please be aware of the strict European weapon laws, even look-alike weapons could be problematic.
  • All weapons, including look-alikes, replicas, tools, and toys must be approved by event stewards, not only by sending an email to safety@reffurence.com, but also immediately following your physical registration at the event.
  • Any item or substance that could present a risk to persons or property might be refused from the event premises by the stewards and must stay inside of the rooms or is even removed from the event premises and kept in a secure location by the stewards team.
  • Nerf guns, and similar items 'soft ammunition type weapons' are prohibited inside the buildings, except at designated locations and times for specific events, pre-approved in writing by our events department. Contact the events team well in advance if you wish to arrange an event involving these items. Such events are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Even outside, care should be taken to avoid hitting any bystanders and/or damaging anyone's property.
  • Mock fights, nerf battles, fire breathing, or any other activities that may adversely affect bystanders or property are not allowed.
  • The stewards team may require your weapon/item to be peace-bound. Tampering with the peace-bonding is not allowed.
  • Water pistols, silly string, or any thrown or projectile-type toy may not be used inside the venue.

3.9 Commercial activities during the event

  • Commercial activity during the event (such as, Dealers’ Den, Artists’ Alley, Art Show) are under the responsibility of the respective heads of those sections. All other commercial activity at the event is subject to the approval of the convention board.

More information, specific to the commercial activities, is mentioned under the "Rules for Commerce" on this page.

3.10 Media, photography and videography

  • By doing photography and videography at the event you grant us the rights to use your work in connection with our event. Footage from private rooms is exempt. Reffurence has to credit your work at all times, unless it was specifically agreed to do otherwise.
  • Reffurence grants you the right to use videos and photos you have taken at the convention for private and/or non-commercial purposes only.
  • Reffurence is a private event. Do not photograph or record anyone in situations where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, including interventions by convention medics or stewards. The same goes for distributing such content.
  • Livestreaming from the event might violate attendees' privacy and therefore it is forbidden unless you have received written permission from the event staff.
  • Publication in for-profit media (such as press, television, or other commercial mass media) requires written permission from the board.
  • During the event, media teams (hired by Reffurence) may record video and take photos in the public areas of the convention and during events to be used in various publications. By attending the convention, you agree that videos and pictures taken of you may be used in such publications without release or compensation. A release will only be required for material acquired in situations where a reasonable expectation of privacy exists.
  • Restrictions or other rules may apply for certain events and areas. Those will be announced on location.

3.11 Service dogs, pets and other animals

  • Not all hotels accept animals. Please get in touch with us at registration@reffurence.com during your registration process so that we can do our best to accommodate your wishes. Service animals are not pets and are therefore exempted from the pets policy. However, anybody bringing a service animal is still required to contact registration, so that we can properly accommodate their needs.

3.12 Miscellaneous

  • By attending the event, you agree to comply with national law, and to follow instructions from the organizers, stewards, and hotel staff.
  • The policies and rules will not be debated during the event. The board will, however, be available for you in case you feel you have been incorrectly or wrongly accused of violating any of the rules. Decisions by the board are final. If a board member is/was involved with the incident, they will be not included/involved during the appeal.
  • The board, the registration team and the stewards team reserves the right to impose any and all sanctions against violators of these rules or those persons involved in any other unacceptable behavior. The definition of unacceptable behavior remains at the sole discretion of the board, the registration team and the stewards team.
  • Sanctions for violating the rules may range from a friendly reminder to a permanent ban from the event.
  • If you have any problems with other attendees or staff/volunteers, please contact the board.
  • When in doubt, please ask – preferably before the convention starts. We will gladly answer all your questions.
  • If you are feeling unsafe or need assistance. Please contact the hotel front desk or the Reffurence safety team immediately. The emergency phone number is printed on the badge.
What do you accept when you purchase a ticket?

4. Liability waiver

All attendees agree with the contents of this waiver when registering / checking-in at the actual convention.

  • The event Reffurence is organized by Reffurence, a non-profit organization registered in The Netherlands. Except for liabilities required by Dutch law, or the country of the event's law, the organizers will not be responsible for any damage done by or to me. In no event shall Reffurence be liable for losses or damages occurring outside the hotel premises. Reffurence does not accept any liability resulting from loss or damage of property.
  • I agree to be bound by the convention policies, including the Rules of Conduct, as given on the web page.
  • I agree to be bound by the Media, Photography and Videography rules as given in the Rules of Conduct. In particular, I hereby grant Reffurence the exclusive right to commercial use of any photographs, film, or audio recordings made by me at the event, with the exception of recordings made in private hotel rooms. I retain non-commercial fair use rights.
  • I agree to be bound by the rules for Weapons, Look-Alikes, and Dangerous Items as given in the Rules of Conduct. I declare that I did not bring any weapons that are illegal under national law, and that I will show any weapons or look-alikes I brought to ConOps upon check-in.
  • I agree to be bound by the rules regarding commercial activity at Reffurence. Any transactions are the sole responsibility of the seller and the buyer. It is the responsibility of the seller to comply with applicable fiscal and sales legislation. Under no circumstance shall Reffurence accept any liability arising from litigation pertaining to those transactions. Any litigation arising from commercial activity will resolved in accordance with applicable laws and jurisdictions.
  • I agree to follow instructions by the organizers, stewards, or hotel staff. Sanctions for non-compliance may range from a friendly reminder to an indefinite ban from the convention. I accept that there will be no refund (neither full nor partial) of event and hotel fees if I am expelled from the event due to failure to follow the rules.
  • I agree to be bound by the event privacy policy and terms and conditions, as given on the web page.
  • I agree to be bound, if present, to special waivers included on the website and during the registration process.
Specific rules for commercial activities (such as the Dealers Den)

5. Rules for commerce

  • Commercial activity in the Dealers’ Den, Artists’ Alley, “commercial flagged” events and Art Show are under the responsibility of the commerce team. All other commercial activities at the convention are subject to the approval of the convention board.
  • Every dealer in the Dealers’ Den and/or table holder in the “commercial flagged” events must be an attendee (i.e., have registered for the full main convention period or has purchased a day ticket for that day and paid the full amount prior to the convention).
  • Transactions are the sole responsibility of the seller and the buyer. It is the responsibility of the seller to comply with applicable fiscal and sales legislation.
  • Items sold should be relevant for the convention by either applying to the furry subculture or relevant to the theme.
  • The commerce team permits the sale of adult goods exclusively in the Dealers' Den, provided that the items are listed on the pre-approved list. However, they should be clearly marked and (in the Dealers’ Den) covered up from plain sight.
  • It is not permitted to sell illegal or immoral items. The definition of an illegal item is determined by the existing national law, which outlines what constitutes such an item. The definition of an immoral item rests solely with the commerce team, as outlined in the first point of these rules. Dealers must comply with their directions.
  • Examples of items that are prohibited from sale for being classed as an illegal item, according to Dutch law.
  1. Weapons (Wet wapens en munitie BWBR0008804),
  2. Alcohol (Alcoholwet BWBR0002458),
  3. Drugs (Opiumwet BWBR0001941, Geneesmiddelenwet BWBR0021505, Warenwet BWBR0001969),
  4. Fireworks (Vuurwerkbesluit BWBR0013360),
  5. Regulated chemicals (Wet voorkoming misbruik chemicaliën BWBR0007286),
  6. Radioactive materials (Kernenergiewet BWBR0002402),
  7. Stolen goods (Wetboek van Strafrecht BWBR0001854).
  • The sale of animal-derived products requires prior approval from the commerce team.
  • The sale of fully AI-image generated content is not allowed, however AI-tooling used to enhance the, by the artists (self-)created, products are allowed if the product is marked as “AI-enhanced”.
  • Any special requests should be sent to the commerce team and may be either approved or denied.
  • Sellers which the commerce team considers being breaking or attempting to break the rules may be removed and / or banned from commercial activity in that area and/or other areas for any amount of time by the commerce team.
  • Engaging in commercial activity is a privilege and can be withdrawn by the commerce team, who have the final say on any commercial matters pertaining to their area of responsibility.
  • Exceptions from these rules might be granted by the convention board on a case-by-case basis.
Privacy is the most important thing to us

6. Privacy policy

6.1 Responsibilities

Reffurence is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy policy.

6.2 Personal data

Reffurence processes your personal data because you make use of our services and/or because you provide them to us yourself. Below is an overview of the personal data we process:

  • First-, middle- and surname
  • Gender
  • Address data
  • Telephone numbers
  • E-mail address
  • Other personal data that you actively provide, for example by creating a profile on this website, in correspondence and by telephone
  • Data about your activities on our website
  • Bankdetails

6.3 Purpose

Reffurence processes your personal information for the following purposes:

  • Processing your payments
  • Sending our newsletter and/or promotional brochure
  • To be able to call or e-mail you if this is necessary to be able to perform our services
  • To inform you about changes to our services and products
  • To offer you the option of creating an account
  • To deliver goods and services to you
  • Data about your activities on our website
  • Reffurence also processes personal data if we are legally obliged to do so, such as information we need for our tax return.

6.4 Automated decision making

Reffurence takes responsibility based on automated processing on matters that can have (significant) consequences for people. This concerns decisions that are taken by computer programs or systems, without involving a person (for example an employee of Reffurence). Reffurence does not use any computer programs or systems in order to make decisions involving persons.

6.5 Data retention period

Reffurence does not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to realize the purposes for which your data is collected. We use the following retention periods for the following (categories) of personal data: a maximum of 1 year after the event. However, some data which is necessarily to ensure that the previous billings remain correct, will be encrypted into our database.

6.6 Third party sharing

Reffurence does not sell your data to third parties and only provides it if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation. (i.e. the hotel venue.) We conclude a processor agreement with companies that process your data on our behalf to ensure the same level of stewards and confidentiality of your data. Reffurence remains responsible for these processing operations.

6.7 Cookies or similar techniques used

Reffurence only uses technical, functional and analytical cookies that do not infringe on your privacy. Reffurence does not make use of any marketing cookies.

6.7.1 What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you first visit this website. The cookies we use are necessary for the technical functioning of the website and your ease of use. They ensure that the website works properly and, for example, remember your preferred settings. We can also optimize our website with this. You can opt out of cookies by setting your internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies. In addition, you can also delete all information that has previously been stored via the settings of your browser.

6.7.2 Managing your personal cookies

You always have the right to accept or decline certain cookies. When you first visit our website, you are asked to accept our various types of cookies.

You may also adjust your browser settings so that it accepts or declines these cookies. If you choose to decline all cookies, then you can still use our website, but we cannot guarantee that all of the website's functionality will work or that you will have access to all parts of our website. Since the procedure for declining cookies varies from browser to browser, it is best if you consult your browser menu.

For the correct functionality of our website, please allow the placement of the 'essential' cookies. If you do not accept those it is highly possible that our registration and booking system will not allow you to register for the event.

6.7.3 Which cookies does Reffurence use?

- table -

6.8 View, modify or delete data

You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. You can do this yourself via the personal settings of your account. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by our company and you have the right to data portability.

This means that you can submit a request to us to send the personal data we have about you in a computer file to you or another organization mentioned by you. If you would like to exercise your right to object and/or right to data portability or if you have other questions/comments about data processing, please send a specified request to refferic@reffurence.com.

To ensure that the request for access has been made by you, we ask you to enclose a copy of your proof of identity with the request. Make your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and Citizen Service Number (In Dutch: BSN) black in this copy. This is to protect your privacy.

Reffurence will respond to your request as soon as possible, but in any case within four weeks. Reffurence would also like to point out that you have the option to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

6.9 How we protect personal data

Reffurence takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification. If you have the impression that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of misuse, please contact us via board@reffurence.com.

  • Software, such as a virus scanner and firewall.
  • TLS (formerly SSL) We send your data through a secure internet connection. You can see this by the address bar 'https' and the padlock in the address bar.
  • DKIM, SPF and DMARC are three internet standards that we use to prevent you from receiving e-mails on our behalf that contain viruses, are spam or are intended to obtain personal (login) data.
  • DNSSEC is an extra stewards (additional to DNS) for converting a domain name to the associated IP address; it is provided with a digital signature. You can have that signature checked automatically. In this way we prevent you from being redirected to a false IP address.

6.10 Special and/or sensitive personal data we process

Our website and/or service does not intend to collect data about website visitors who are younger than 18 years old. However, we cannot guarantee with a 100% certainty whether a visitor is older than 18. We therefore recommend that parents be involved in the online activities of their children, in order to prevent data about children being collected without parental consent. If you are convinced that we have collected personal data about a minor without that permission, please contact us at refferic@reffurence.com and we will delete this information.

What do you want to know about our company?

7. Business transparency

7.1 Organization

Reffurence follows the following statement:

Organizing events focused in particular on the artistic and community side of the subculture focused on anthropomorphism and all subcultures associated with it (directly and indirectly) with the aim of using the proceeds to support organizations that are committed to animal welfare through making monetary donations.

7.2 Board members

  • Refferic, Board president Reffurence.
  • Appelmoose, Treasurer.
  • Bruni, Secretary.
  • Felikx, Secretary.
  • RavePaw, Secretary.

7.3 Financial year statements

The financial year statement will be released after 2024 has been closed.

7.4 Fundraising

As a non-profit organisation, Reffurence is fully depended on the revenue of the ticket-sales, merchandise, sponsorships and donations. The means of fundraising for Reffurence are;

  • Ticket-sales for the event.
  • Sale of overnight stays that Reffurence arranges during the event.
  • The sales of sponsorpackages.
  • The sales of merchandise during the event.
Making sure that there is no discussion about integrity

8. Conflict of interest

8.1 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to protect the interests of Reffurence. In the regular course of business, staffmembers and volunteers of Reffurence may have the opportunity to advance their own personal interests with or against the interests of Reffurence. Acting in such a manner is unacceptable and any party who acts outside of Reffurence’s best interest may be subject to disciplinary action.

All staffmembers and volunteers are required to sign this waiver when signing up when their professional relationship with Reffurence starts.

8.2 Definitions

Staffmember - any person who is employed by or part of the board of Reffurence in a part or full-time capacity and in accordance with the labor laws of the Netherlands.

Volunteer - any person who is temporarily hired by Reffurence as a volunteer during the time of the event in a part or full-time capacity and in accordance with the labor laws of the Netherlands.

Financial investor - The interest that any individual may have in the monetary transactions of Reffurence. In particular, any interest that could have a direct bearing on the financial gain/loss of the said individual.

8.3 Procedures

Every staffmember and volunteer of Reffurence is obligated to disclose any known or potential conflicts of interest as soon as they arise. Failure to do so could result in termination of employment.

When a possible conflict of interest arises, the board of directors will collect all of the pertinent information and may question any concerned parties. If the board determines that a conflict exists, steps will be taken to address the conflict. If no conflict exists, the inquiry may be documented but no further action will be taken.

When an actual conflict of interest is found, any transactions that may have been affected will be reviewed retroactively. Affected parties both within and outside of the business, including shareholders, directors, employees, and contractors will be notified. An investigation will also be conducted by the board of directors to determine the extent of the conflict and the intentions of the parties involved.

If the conflict in question involves a member or members of the board of directors, such a member will be excused from the deliberations.

As all conflicts of interest will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, a review may result in disciplinary action. The board of directors has full discretion to deem what disciplinary action is both fitting and necessary, including suspension and/or termination of employment.

8.4 Acknowledgement

Every staffmember and volunteer understands the procedure for conflicts of interest with Reffurence, including their duty to disclose any known or potential conflicts.

Furthermore, the staffmembers and volunteers agree to abide by the procedures outlined in this policy for the duration of their professional relationship with Reffurence.

Rights, obligations and compensation for volunteers

9. Volunteers waiver

9.1 Purpose

This policy sets out the broad principles for voluntary involvement in Reffurence. It is of relevance to all within Reffurence, including volunteers, staff, members, and those elected or appointed to positions of responsibility.

All staff members and volunteers are required to sign a volunteers-agreement, on which all the information is specified, when signing up when their professional relationship with Reffurence starts.

9.2 Volunteers

Reffurence acknowledges that volunteers contribute in many ways, that their contribution is unique and that volunteering can benefit users of services, staff, the event and the volunteers themselves.

Reffurence values the contribution made by volunteers and is committed to involving volunteers in appropriate positions and in ways which are encouraging, supportive and which develop volunteering. Reffurence recognizes its responsibility to arrange its volunteering efficiently and sensitively so that the valuable gift of the volunteer's time is best used to the mutual advantage of all concerned.

Volunteers are people who are, unpaid (or reimbursed for their expenses) and of their own free will, contribute their time, energy and skills to benefit the community.

Volunteering is a legitimate and crucial activity that is supported and encouraged by Reffurence and is not intended to be a substitute for paid employment. The volunteer role is a gift relationship, binding only in honour, trust and mutual understanding. No enforceable obligation, contractual or otherwise, can be imposed on volunteers to attend, give or be set a minimum amount of time to carry out the tasks involved in their voluntary activity. Likewise Reffurence cannot be compelled to provide either regular tasks, payment or other benefit for any activity undertaken by the volunteer.

Although volunteers offer time freely and willingly without binding obligation, there is a presumption of mutual support and reliability. Reciprocal expectations are acknowledged – both of what Reffurence expects of volunteers and what volunteers expect of Reffurence.

All volunteers will have a nominated member of staff or volunteer to offer guidance and advice to help the volunteer carry out tasks effectively. Volunteers will be informed of who to contact to receive support and supervision.

9.3 Recruitment

Volunteering opportunities will be widely promoted in ways that makes them accessible to all members of the community.

New volunteers will be properly inducted into the Reffurence team.

Volunteers will be properly briefed about the activities to be undertaken and given all the necessary information to enable them to perform with confidence.

9.4 Payment and expenses

Reffurence recognizes that the reimbursement of expenses incurred in traveling to and from the place of volunteering or in the course of volunteering is important from an equal opportunities point of view. This is necessary to ensure that all individuals have access to voluntary opportunities.

9.5 Insurance

Reffurence's liability insurance policies include the activities of volunteers and liability towards them. Reffurence does not insure the volunteer's personal possessions against loss or damage.

9.6 Confidentiality

Reffurence will advise the volunteer on its confidentiality policy and procedures, where relevant. This would include those relating to personal information held by Reffurence relating to the volunteer.


Feel free to get in touch!


The events-team is ready for all of your suggestions! Do you have a subject you want to share with the rest of the convention? Or do you want to organize a board-game night? Feel free to email us and our events-team will get back to you!


Do you have problems with your room, payment or ticket purchase? Registration-team is ready for you


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